Joke: Cask of beer coming up

A cask of beer is a heavy load to carry up the stairs.

A cask of beer is a heavy load to carry up the stairs.


A woman wakes up at 4.30 in the night by some stumbling noise downstairs. She tries to wake up het husband, but the other side of the bed is empty. Rather scared she screams: “Who is that in our house?” To her relief it turns out that the cause of the noise is not a burglar, but her husband.
The noise continues for quite some time and the wife shouts: “What the hell are you doing down there?” The husband replies: “Oh nothing to worry about. I’m just trying to get a cask of beer up the stairs.” His wife gets pretty pissed off now and yells: “For the love of God, will you leave that down there.” 
“I can’t”, the husband shouts back. “I drunk it.”



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