The Czech hangover cure called česnečka

Czech garlic soup česnečka.

Czech garlic soup česnečka.

We already gave you some tips and tricks to get rid of your hangoverBut every country has its own traditional dishes to make the process go faster. We like to give you a taste of the international anti-hangover cuisine. This time we have a dish from the Czech Republic. It’s a dish that will give the people around you a bit of a hard time, but for sure you won’t have to worry about vampires either: česnečka. In English known as garlic soup.

Now first of all we would like to thank Eva, a great photographer and fellow blogger, who gave us the recipe. She mentioned than in Czech Republic it’s said that česnečka can even bring a corpse back to life. So you know this is excellent stuff after a hard night. Czechs in general can really handle their liquor. They have some great beers, but also some excellent hard stuff. From slivovice (plum liquor) to some mean kinds of . Everybody who ever visited Prague will agree that the nights can be hard and heavy, so you might need a little medicine in the morning. The recipe is pretty easy, so here we go…

2 tablespoons of real butter
1 chopped onion
6 cloves of garlic (cut up real good), although some real garlic lovers add even more.
6 cups stock (chicken or beef)
2 big potatoes (chopped up in small pieces)
Fresh parsley

Grated cheese

Melt the butter in a saucepan and put in the chopped onions and garlic. After a few minutes add the stock and bring to a boil. Then add the potato pieces. Reduce the heat to a simmer and leave it like that till the potatoes are tender. Meanwhile you can bring the soup up to flavor with salt, pepper, marjoram and caraway. Serve the soup with fresh parsley on top.
Once at the table you can add the extra’s in your bowl. As you see it’s easy and effective. Na zdravi!

Micky Bumbar

Check out more tasty hangover cures from around the world

17 thoughts on “The Czech hangover cure called česnečka

  1. I love garlic soup! And I’m sure this would cure a hangover… garlic cures pretty much everything. 🙂

    Speaking of bringing a corpse back to life, you must have heard of the cocktail called “Corpse Reviver Number 2”. I like it better without the absinthe, but that’s just me. If you haven’t tried one, the recipe is here:

    Now someone needs to invent a garlic cocktail…


    • Haha challenge accepted! It might go well with some vegetable-juice (mix of tomato, carrots and all that stuff) and some black pepper or tabasco. Now for the drink let’s go with gin or/and vodka.
      Well just a first thought, but let me get back on this after some experimenting!
      Actually I haven’t tried the cocktail you sent along. Will try that one too believe me! Thanks for the tip!


      • Good on you for taking my challenge! Could be that gin is a good alcohol for this, since gin goes really well in tomato soup – have you ever tried it?

        And speaking of such matters, I wonder if French-Canadian-style split pea soup with ham could be a good hangover cure. The Québec cure, maybe! 🙂


      • Oh I have never tried it, but I think it should be… The split pea soup we eat in Holland in winter is awesome when you have a hangover. Since we add potatoes, saussage and it’s so thick it almost isn’t liquid anymore. Lots of vitamins, and liquid, but also the necessary fat! 🙂
        How is the one in Québec made?


      • The Québec version sounds very similar! Usually lots of onions, and cooked in with a ham bone, then cooked ham is cubed and put in once it’s finished cooking. And yeah, it’s pretty much solid! Delicious, especially with black pepper in it. If you were using it as a hangover cure, you’d have to keep some in the freezer for occasions of need, because it takes a long time to make.

        Some of my ancestors were Dutch, and some of the others were French; maybe those two countries collaborated on their pea soup recipes! 🙂


      • Hahaha could very well be… Well the French border is only a few 100 km away. And Napoleon’s brother was our first king haha… He learned fluent Dutch and maybe he picked up on our food.
        It’s also quite likely that we picked up on French cooking, since we took also a lot of words from their language, clothes, wigs and what not. Among richer people it was quite cool to act French for a long time.


  2. This looks like something I’d want to make with or without a hangover. Maybe the latter, and then stick it in the fridge for later. Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  3. Pingback: Česnečka – A Big Bowl of Garlicky Goodness | Beyond Prague

  4. Pingback: Meat-lovers Rejoice in the Czech Republic! - The Incredibly Long Journey

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