Lords of the Drinks

Football club Feyenoord plans to transform iconic stadium De Kuip into a brewery


Stadium De Kuip from the inside at an evening match.

One of the most famous landmarks of the skyline of the Dutch city Rotterdam is the football stadium De Kuip (literally translated “The Tub” after its shape), home of the football club Feyenoord. For years the board of directors of the club wants to replace this building with a new modern stadium to increase income for the football team. Most plans however, directly or indirectly, meant the demolition of the iconic football temple. Therefor all plans for a new modern stadium were blocked by massive opposition by the Feyenoord fans. The latest stadium plan actually might have a chance of succeeding, since not only would the old stadium be preserved, but Feyenoord has plans to transform it into a brewery.

De Kuip opened its doors in 1937. It was one of the few buildings that survived the bombings by Nazi Germany that almost flattened the entire second largest city of Holland in 1940. In World War II, the Nazis also used the stadium as a department point for political opponents and Dutch resistance fighters on their way to concentration camps. But mostly this modern amphitheatre was used as scenery for football history, as well as concerts of the biggest rock stars on the planet. The famous Camp Nou stadium of FC Barcelona was also designed after this landmark of Rotterdam.

For the Feyenoord fans demolition of their temple is never an option. Turning it into a supporters-home with brewery might be.

With almost 80 years of football, cultural and national history it’s no wonder the fans of Feyenoord Rotterdam did not give up their home without a fight. Club board and sponsors (mostly company owners who would profit from a large building project) showed only interest in money, and very little sense of nostalgia. In most plans for a new stadium it seemed inevitable that the old one would be broken down to the ground. A slap in the face for the older inhabitants from Rotterdam who saw World War II. For them the building was a beacon of hope and a symbol of the Rotterdam fighting spirit. For the younger generations it was a place where they experienced some of their deepest emotions.

The latest plan for a new stadium was presented to the Rotterdam city council Friday, the 18th of March. The most important outcome was that the club board has a new location in mind, which means that De Kuip stays intact. The regional news medium RTV Rijnmond says there’s even a plan for the old building, as the club wants to turn one part into a supporters-home and another part into a brewery. Now this might actually work, since the iconic landmark would not only be preserved, but Feyenoord fans would actually be able to have a beer and share memories inside their stadium for many years.

Rotterdam Beer
For sure the quality of the beer served in the stadium would get an upgrade. Right now football fans can only order a weak kind of piss called evenementenbier (Events Beer), which contains a lousy 2.5% alcohol. For years this glorified lemonade was offered by Amstel, and since 2 years by Heineken. Two popular brands from the Dutch capital Amsterdam, that are typical examples of shitty, yet popular beers. Given the rivalry between the 2 largest cities of Holland it would make sense if Feyenoord would use the expertise of one of the upcoming craft beer breweries from Rotterdam instead, such as Kaapse Brouwers, De Pelgrim, Ketelbink and Noordt.

Feyenoord Beer
All that is sure for now is that Feyenoord will give it’s own name to the beer(s) in De Kuip. Already there’s a bar in Rotterdam serving Coen Moulijn beer, named after one of the all time star players of the club, so that one is taken. But there are many more possibilities. With the slogan Niets is sterker dan dat ene woord, Feyenoord (Nothing is stronger than that one word, Feyenoord) already printed all around the stdium, maybe a very strong imperial stout would be an option.

Micky Bumbar

