7 Tips to Stay Fit while still Consuming Alcohol

Since both of the Lords of the Drinks are no regular visitors of gym clubs, here’s a guest post that might add a new dimension to our website. Harold Camaya tells you in 7 points why the desire to be in a great state physically does not mean you have to give up drinking. Camaya…

9 Books Every Pro in the Drinks Industry Must Read

Most of our posts are quite accesable to every hobby drinker, but we can understand how some of you want to take your drinking to a whole new level. To become a real pro in the drinks industry isn’t easy, as a certain level of knowledge is required. Much of that can be picked up…

5 typical alcoholic summer drinks

As we are entering the month October the people living in the Northern Hemisphere are on their last days of summer. And before the winter depression really kicks in we hope you enjoy these last few long days. And what better way to do that than with some fresh summer drinks right?! These five classics…

The drinking game ‘Pissheads’

Here’s another drinking game that we came up with ourselves. The name is Pissheads and once you start playing you’ll understand why. Few other drinking games can get you this smashed. Plus we believe it’s not too hard for the drunk mind comprehend, yet it involves more thinking and strategy than to flip a coin…

The drunk man’s alphabet

A true drinker is constantly remembered of alcohol. Don’t blame us for that, it’s society’s fault. Reminders of booze are simply everywhere. Don’t believe it? Can you say without blinking that an oak tree doesn’t make you thirsty? No? Oak, cork, wine, let’s drink! Or what about a documentary on animals in African savanna traveling…

Drunk Joke: the Cuckoo-Clock

Let’s lighten the mood with a drinking joke. In the traditional ones usually the man comes home drunk to his wife. But this is the 21st century and it’s about time we recognize that emancipated women now come home drunk to their husbands too. Hope you like it and if so, remember that we have…